It is also a great idea to wash your faucet’s aerator — that is the spring within the end of the faucet — every few months.
To keep your garbage disposal, you should run cold water through it through use.

Many kinds of heating and air conditioning systems include filters to remove dust and dirt from the air. Check search or the instruction book online In several cases, the house owner should change filters.

Noisy water pipes should be repaired promptly. The condition that causes noisy pipes could come with a vibration that can cause fittings to loosen and leak.
Frozen pipes should be thawed slowly to avoid the creation of steam, which might cause the pipes to burst.

Sinks Fireplaces
When you’ve got a home security system, regularly check the alerts and circuit breakers to ensure they are in working order. Inspect the one by one.
The batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors should also be assessed twice a year to make sure they are operable. Battery-powered and hard-wired detectors should be replaced. Walls
Inspect your siding yearly to determine whether your wood-sided home has to be repainted. Trim shrubbery away so that the siding doesn’t touch.
The outside of your house is designed to withstand exposure to the elements, but a periodic cleaning will enhance the visual appeal and, in several instances, prolong the lifespan of siding and other exterior products.

Your home might be. Taking good care of it is critical make sure it will offer a shelter for you and your family for many years to come and to maintain its value.
An experienced roofer should inspect your roof every 3 decades. Skylights should be inspected whenever your roof is scrutinized so leaks don’t grow from fractures and cracks around the seals, caulking and flashings.
Make sure gutters and downspouts don’t get clogged with leaves or other items.

When you’ve got a water leak, the washer on your faucet usually has to be replaced.
To unclog a bathroom, use a coil spring-steel auger, which can be found in hardware or home-improvement stores.

Floors Walls
When you are ready to use your fireplace, make sure you create the fire on the andirons or grate, never on the fireplace floor.
To stop soot and to add color to the flame, throw in a handful of salt.
Store your firewood outside, away from the home instead of directly on the floor.
Have a CSIA-Certified chimney sweep inspect your chimney and fireplace yearly, especially if you build plenty of fires in the winter.

Inspect exterior doors and windows annual to determine if the caulking around them has broken and cracked. In that case, replace the caulk and wash any mildew. Use a bit of newspaper to wash the glass to prevent lint.
To aid a window slide easily, rub on the station with a sheet of paraffin.

Masonry walls occasionally develop a white powdery substance. This is called efflorescence, a soluble salt which can be removed by scrubbing with water and a brush.

Security and Safety
To keep unpainted concrete flooring in your cellar or garage, first apply a concrete sealer, making them easier to wash. Use a solution of four to six tablespoons of washing soda in a gallon of water when you are ready to wash them. Add scouring powder into the solution for jobs.
For hardwood, make sure the floors have a polyurethane finish before cleaning. Will have to be waxed periodically. Use liquid or paste “soul” wax.
The best gloss for vinyl flooring in water emulsion wax.